Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Richard Kuhn: Return To Maker

Twas like a beacon in the night,
but, why three red lights shone so bright?
It felt like something was in the air,
and the dread filled thought - it needed repair.

When we read the owner's manual, the mocking words,
"Must be returned to Microsopft for repair" almost
gleamed out at you like those flashing lights on the
game console. I don;t know how they did it, but I
swore the word even sneered at you off the page.

This was beyond ANYTHING I could fix. It needed the
maker to fix it - or a complete replacement.

And that was the essence of Christmas, Jesus entered
life waiting in line - for us - so we could get a new
replacement on our terminally defective hearts.

And while I hate waiting in line for what seems like
forever, the X-Box replacement will cost me nothing
except my time.

OUR defect cost Him everything - and I will try and
meditate on that as I stand in line.