Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jason Retherford: God, “where are you?”

If you are like me, I will pray for you…in all seriousness, we have wondered where God is. I have lately been feeling rather glum about my walk with the Lord. I have been struggling with some things, and dealing with some other issues, and of course there is junk from my past that resurfaces from time to time. But, lately in addition to this stuff, I have been feeling distant from God. I know that the Scripture teaches that God is always present. I get that. I just don’t feel it. I know I am not saved by how I feel. But, I still feel distant from God. But, I am aware this morning that even though my self-absorption God has been showing me in small ways that He is near, or closer than I think according to John Ortberg.
I have been reading Ortberg’s book, God is closer than you think and have been hit hard by the reality of God’s presence. Also re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia, I was moved to tears this morning in the recount of Lucy meeting Aslan again! Also, my oldest and middle daughters continue to teach me about the love of God and his constant presence in our lives. They were singing just yesterday, “Jesus Loves Me,” when Rachel makes her own verse and it went something like this…”Yes, Jesus loves my daddy, yes Jesus loves my daddy, yes Jesus loves my daddy, the Bible tells him so!” Even as I retype what she sang, my eyes are filling with tears. I have more in common with Susan in Prince Caspian than Lucy, I have listened to the fears of the world more than I have listened to still small whisper of God. I was beginning to wonder if I was deaf. My hard-heartedness is crippling, and yet I realize now that I have never been alone. I almost feel like Shasta, walking at night unaware, if you will of what is keeping my upright on the path. Jacob says it best, “God is in this place and I was unaware.”